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Comparison of ceftriaxone with cefoxitin in the treatment of penicillin-resistant gonococcal urethritis.
  1. T R Zajdowicz,
  2. P L Sanches,
  3. S W Berg,
  4. S B Kerbs,
  5. R L Newquist,
  6. W O Harrison


    Since cefoxitin has been shown to be an effective alternative to spectinomycin for the treatment of infections due to penicillinase-producing strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PPNG) its efficacy was compared with that of a new cephalosporin, ceftriaxone (R013-9904). One hundred and twenty eight men with culture-confirmed gonococcal urethritis were treated with either 250 mg of ceftriaxone intramuscularly or 2 g of cefoxitin intramuscularly with oral probenecid 1 g. The incidence of penicillin-resistant strains in each group was about 60%. Ceftriaxone was completely effective in treating both penicillin-sensitive and penicillin-resistant gonococcal urethritis. No side effects were noted. Ceftriaxone thus seems to be an effective and safe alternative to either spectinomycin or cefoxitin in the treatment of penicillin-resistant gonococcal urethritis.

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