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Congenital syphilis in The Netherlands: diagnosis and clinical features.
  1. J M Boot,
  2. A P Oranje,
  3. H E Menke,
  4. R V van Eijk,
  5. E Stolz
  1. Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Ziekenhuis Dijkzigt, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


    From 1982 to 1985 the 19S IgM-Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption (19S-IgM-FTA-ABS) test gave a positive result in 19 children. These 19 children plus one dizygotic twin sister were evaluated. Seventeen children were diagnosed as having congenital syphilis and treated. Clinical evidence was seen in 10 children, CSF abnormalities in seven, radiological abnormalities in eight. Of the 17 children treated, only one did not meet the Center for Disease Control (CDC) criteria of a compatible case of congenital syphilis. Of the children not diagnosed as having congenital syphilis, one child was considered to be a compatible case of congenital syphilis according to the CDC-criteria. The CDC-criteria may be a valuable aid in diagnosing congenital syphilis. Guidelines for adequate therapy are given.

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