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Evaluation of a radioactive rRNA:cDNA-hybridisation assay for the direct detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in urogenital specimens.
  1. H Näher,
  2. B Niebauer,
  3. M Hartmann,
  4. J Söltz-Szöts,
  5. D Petzoldt
  1. Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany.


    A radioactive cDNA probe complementary to chlamydial ribosomal RNA was used to detect C trachomatis in urogenital specimens. Of 37 specimens positive with cell culture 31 were confirmed by the rRNA:cDNA hybridisation test, the sensitivity being 83.8%. The specificity of the hybridisation test was 94.4%, as 186 of 197 specimens that were negative by cell culture were also negative when assessed by the hybridisation method. Given a prevalence of 15.8% the predictive values for positive and negative results were 73.8% and 96.9%, respectively. In additional experiments the possible role of microorganisms added to the specimen collection medium was investigated. However, no indication for crosshybridisation was found; at high concentrations microorganisms interfered with the test procedure.

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