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The effects of twice and four times daily zidovudine on p24 antigenaemia in CDC stage II/III patients.
  1. S Gill,
  2. A Tang,
  3. M Cordery,
  4. B Spacey,
  5. G Kelly,
  6. N T Bateman,
  7. D Barlow
  1. Department of GU Medicine, St Thomas' Hospital, London.


    Reduction of HIV p24 antigenaemia by zidovudine was investigated in 34 HIV antibody-positive, asymptomatic patients in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Zidovudine was shown to lower p24 antigen levels as effectively when administered twice daily as when administered four times daily. Serum levels of p24 antigen varied little over 18 weeks in patients taking placebo.

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