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The testing of saliva samples for HIV-1 antibodies: reliability in a non-clinic setting.
  1. A J Hunt,
  2. J Connell,
  3. G Christofinis,
  4. J V Parry,
  5. P Weatherburn,
  6. F C Hickson,
  7. A P Coxon,
  8. P M Davies,
  9. T J McManus,
  10. S Sutherland
  1. Dulwich Hospital PHLS, London, UK.


    AIMS--To assess the reliability of saliva samples as a means of testing for HIV-antibodies outside clinic settings. METHODS--Men taking part in a non-clinic longitudinal study of homosexually active men provided samples of saliva and blood. Sera were screened using a competitive ELISA (Wellcozyme) and positive sera were confirmed by an indirect ELISA (Abbott). Saliva samples were screened either using an IgG captive radioimmunoassay or an amplified ELISA. RESULTS--A total of 534 paired saliva and blood samples were tested. Overall sensitivity was 96.2% and specificity was 100%. None of the saliva tests were falsely positive for HIV-1 antibodies. CONCLUSIONS--HIV-1 saliva tests can reliably be used in a non-clinic or field setting. However, if results are to be given to respondents, it is necessary to offer adequate counselling and consider the mechanisms for referral and follow-up for those that are found to be HIV-1 antibody positive.

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