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Management of persistent vulvo vaginal candidosis due to azole-resistant Candida glabrata.
  1. D J White,
  2. E M Johnson,
  3. D W Warnock
  1. Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Birmingham General Hospital, UK.


    CASE REPORT--SUBJECTS--Three cases are described of long-standing vaginal candidosis due to Candida glabrata. These had failed to respond to local and systemic antifungals. In each case the infecting strain appeared resistant to a range of azole drugs in vitro. CLINICAL COURSE--Case one--This patient recovered following prolonged treatment with oral itraconazole in combination with oral and vaginal nystatin. Case two. Yeasts were eradicated from this patient following cyclical treatment with oral dydrogesterone; prolonged vaginal treatment with nystatin may have helped. Case three. This patient did not respond to a prolonged course of oral itraconazole in combination with vaginal and oral nystatin, oral medroxyprogesterone or intravaginal boric acid. Eradication of C glabrata was finally achieved by local application of 1% gentian violet. Shortly after eradication of the C glabrata infection, both Case two and Case three developed infections with other Candida species responsive to azole antifungals.

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