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The epidemiology of herpes simplex types 1 and 2 infection of the genital tract in Edinburgh 1978-1991.
  1. J D Ross,
  2. I W Smith,
  3. R A Elton
  1. Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, UK.


    INTRODUCTION--The changing epidemiology of genital herpes in Edinburgh is described in relation to herpes simplex virus (HSV) Type 1 and herpes simplex virus Type 2 infection over a period of 14 years. METHODS--2018 episodes of genital herpes in 1794 patients over a 14 year period were assessed. Data on age, sex, sexual orientation, geographical origin and herpes antibodies were also analysed. RESULTS--The proportion of cases that were HSV Type 1 increased over the period from approximately 20% to over 40%. Type 1 infection is more common in the young, in women and as a primary infection. CONCLUSIONS--HSV Type 1 is of increasing importance as a cause of genital herpes in our population. This may reflect changes in sexual attitudes and practises over the past decade.

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