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Setting up regional audit in genitourinary medicine and HIV: the south east Thames experience.
  1. J Welch,
  2. P Bunting
  1. Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Kings Healthcare, London.


    Audit at regional level is a useful complement to local audit, especially in small specialties. Regional audit can reduce professional isolation and lead to the development of uniformly high standards in the care given by a variety of providers. The development of regional audit in genitourinary medicine in South East Thames (UK), and of HIV medicine in South Thames, is described. Meetings are held quarterly, and concentrate on standard setting and development of guidelines. Information about the practice of individual units is collected by questionnaire, the results presented, and guidelines developed. Participation in completing questionnaires and attending the meetings is good. Regional guidelines in eleven topics have been produced, and methods of auditing changes in practice are now being assessed. A regional common data-set is being developed to assist in the audit process.

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