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OBJECTIVE--To evaluate and serve the need for contraception in those not using conventional sources of family planning services. SETTING--South London outpatient genitourinary medicine department at King's College Hospital. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS--Prospective study of 200 women seen consecutively in the clinic by the same doctor (LM) during 1993. Women at risk of unwanted pregnancy were identified, and offered immediate contraceptive provision or referral. RESULTS--15 women (7.5%) were using no contraception, despite being sexually active and not wishing to conceive; of these two presented with an unwanted pregnancy. A further 23 women (11.5%) were not using their chosen contraception effectively, and another 20 women were unclear about contraceptive methods and wanted advice. Young women were most at risk; 14% of those aged 25 years and under were using no contraception. Eight women wished to defer contraceptive advice; of these four defaulted from follow up. Eighteen women (9%) wanted immediate contraceptive supplies. Ten of 18 returned a follow up questionnaire; all these women were satisfied with the contraceptive advice service received. CONCLUSIONS--Absent or ineffective contraception is common in women attending an inner city genitourinary medicine clinic. Immediate provision of contraceptive education, advice and supplies is welcomed by patients.
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