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HIV associated eosinophilic folliculitis--differential diagnosis and management.
  1. S Simpson-Dent,
  2. L A Fearfield,
  3. R C Staughton
  1. Department of Dermatology, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London.


    Eosinophilic folliculitis (EF) is a chronic, intensely pruritic condition of unknown pathogenesis that causes marked morbidity in those HIV patients whom it affects. There is a wide differential diagnosis of itchy skin conditions in HIV which are amenable to different treatments. It is therefore essential to take a biopsy of each suspected case and examine multiple sections of the biopsy to confirm or refute a diagnosis of EF. Treatment of EF can be difficult but we hope that by suggesting a rational approach to this and considering possible therapeutic options more patients may be helped with this troublesome dermatosis.

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