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Carbamazepine in Reiter's syndrome
  1. N N Goyal,
  2. R S Dhurat,
  3. H R Jerajani
  1. Department of Dermatology, LTM Medical College and LTM General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai - 400063, India
  1. Dr N N Goyal, 14 Vinay, Prayas Sadan, Chheda nagar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400089, Indiamadhunil{at}

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Editor,—A psoriatic spectrum with Reiter's syndrome as the most severe manifestation occurs with greater frequency in HIV infected individuals.1 Immunosuppressive therapies for RS are associated with a poor response and increased morbidity.2 We describe a case where carbamazepine showed an excellent response in an HIV infected patient with Reiter's syndrome.Sex Transm Inf 2000;76:220–230

A 30 year old married man presented with erythematous papules and plaques of 2 months' duration covered with hard limpet-like scales on face, body, and both extremities (fig 1). Palms and soles showed keratoderma blenorrhagicum and subungual hyperkeratosis with distal onycholysis. Both knees and wrists had painful swelling with restriction of movements. With this clinical presentation Reiter's syndrome was inferred. All …

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