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IHMF website. The website of the International Herpes Management Forum can be found at
  1. Chris Carne

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    The range of the website is greater than I expected, covering CMV, EBV, HHV-6, 7, and 8, varicella, as well as HSV-1 and HSV-2. The search option gives a rapid indication of the scale of the site. I was impressed with the search by “free text query.” My 20 word query concerning recurrent herpes in the third trimester revealed 162 relevant references on the website.

    The website contains a library consisting of recent papers and a series of monographs produced by the IHMF. Arising out of these monographs are management guidelines on various aspects of herpes viruses. Updates on key issues are to be found in the Herpes Journal, published three times a year, and reproduced in full on this site.

    Further useful aspects of this site include PowerPoint slides, which can be downloaded, covering background scientific information as well as some presentations of IHMF meetings. Abstracts from these meetings may also be downloaded as well as posters summarising recommendations. A list of forthcoming events and reports from past meetings can also be accessed.

    Another section on this site allows you to click anywhere on a world map to find organisations working on herpes. A click in the UK revealed the MSSVD, the Herpes Special Interest Group, and the British Co-operative Clinical Group.

    This site is useful in many ways and provides an authoritative source of information. There is a section for feedback so that users of the site can contribute to keeping it accurate and up to date.