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Respiratory and cutaneous manifestations of disseminated cryptococcosis in AIDS
  1. Faisal Islam1,
  2. Siobhan Gillespie1,
  3. Felix Chua1,
  4. Michael Jarmulowicz2,
  5. Margaret Johnson3,
  6. Marc Lipman3
  1. 1Royal Free Hospital, Department of HIV/Respiratory Medicine, Royal Free NHS Trust, Pond Street, London NW3 2QG, UK
  2. 2Department of Histopathology
  3. 3Royal Free Hospital, Department of HIV/Respiratory Medicine
  1. Dr M C I Lipman marc.lipman{at}

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Editor,—A 26 year old, previously fit and well Afro-Caribbean man, presented with a 5 week history of a “flu-like” illness. Initially treated with antibiotics, the patient deteriorated, developing a cough, haemoptysis, progressive breathlessness, intermittent blurring of vision, and a rash. Investigations indicated he was HIV positive.

On examination, though orientated, he looked unwell and was febrile. He had an extensive papulonodular rash on his face, trunk, and limbs. Many of these lesions were centrally umbilicated with areas of associated haemorrhage (fig 1). Respiratory examination revealed decreased air entry in the right chest and coarse inspiratory bi-basal crackles. Funduscopy demonstrated retinal …

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