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Self treatment among a sample of first time attenders at a genitourinary medicine clinic
  1. M K Pitts,
  2. S Cannon,
  3. G Singh
  1. Australian Research Centre, sex, Health & Society, La Trobe University, 215 Franklin Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
  1. Professor Pitts m.pitts{at}

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Editor,—Many people self medicate or seek advice from others before attending a medical consultation and while this has been documented for a number of conditions, there is little reason to suppose the behaviour will be different for a sexually transmitted infection (STI). There may be specific problems with self medication for STIs since they may mask signs and symptoms and unprescribed use of antibiotics may select for resistance among strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and other bacteria residing within and outside the genital tract.1 We examined all aspects of self care in …

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