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Low incidence of syphilis among factory workers in Ethiopia: effect of an intervention based on education and counselling
  1. T Sahlu1,
  2. T Rinke de Wit1,
  3. A Tsegaye1,
  4. Y Mekonnen1,
  5. A Beyene1,
  6. B Hailu1,
  7. R A Coutinho2,
  8. A Fontanet2
  1. 1Ethio-Netherlands AIDS Research Project (ENARP), Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  2. 2Division of Public Health and Environment, Municipal Health Service, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr A Fontanet, Division of Public Health and Environment, Municipal Health Service Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 100, 1018 WT, Amsterdam, Netherlands;


Background: The prevalence and incidence of syphilis infection were examined in a cohort study of factory workers in Ethiopia.

Method: Between February 1997 and March 1999, 409 men and 348 women were enrolled and followed in the cohort study.

Results: The prevalence (95% CI) of past/current syphilis (positive TPPA serology) was 28.9% (25.7% to 32.3%), and factors associated with past/current syphilis were markers of risky sexual behaviours including HIV infection. In this cohort of factory workers subject to public information/education meetings, testing for HIV antibodies, and individual counselling, the incidence (97.5% one sided CI) of new syphilis infections was 0/691 = 0 (0 to 0.5) per 100 person years.

Conclusion: This study has documented a reduction in risky sexual behaviours and a low syphilis incidence among factory workers participating in a cohort study on HIV infection progression in Addis Ababa

  • syphilis
  • factory workers
  • Ethiopia
  • education
  • counselling

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