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The profile and context of the epidemics of sexually transmitted infections including HIV in Zimbabwe
  1. J Decosas1,
  2. N Padian2
  1. 1Southern African AIDS Training Programme, Harare, Zimbabwe
  2. 2AIDS Research Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of California, San Francisco, USA
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr J Decosas, Southern African AIDS Training Programme, Box 390 Kopje, Harare, Zimbabwe;


Zimbabwe has widespread and widely disseminated epidemics of most major sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV. This epidemiological situation is examined from a broad historical perspective, exploring the interactions between the population incidence of STI and the social profile of the country. The results suggest opportunities for upstream prevention efforts. Examples of these include: integration of prevention with care and social support; increasing general communication and openness about sexuality; economic support initiatives including income generating and micro-credit programmes, offering living accommodations for families in cities, mines, and military camps; and programmes focusing on adolescents before they become sexually active.

  • sexually transmitted disease
  • HIV
  • Zimbabwe

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