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Are all genital Chlamydia trachomatis infections pathogenic? A study in men
  1. C Butler,
  2. C Dewsnap,
  3. G Evangelou
  1. Department of Genito-urinary Medicine, St Luke’s Hospital, Bradford, BD5 0NA UK
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr Chris Butler, Department of Genito-urinary Medicine, St Luke’s Hospital, Bradford, BD5 0NA UK;

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Chlamydia trachomatis infection of the genital tract is initially mild and most sufferers do not know they have the infection.1 However, over a period of time untreated infections may be associated with considerable pathology.

During a recent prospective survey of 500 men presenting in this department we recorded the Gram stained microscopy results from urethral swabs. These were scored …

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