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Localised genital Norwegian scabies in an AIDS patient
  1. A G Perna,
  2. K Bell,
  3. T Rosen
  1. Department of Dermatology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
  1. Correspondence to:
 Theodore Rosen
 MD, Department of Dermatology, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX 77030, USA;


Objectives: We present a case of an AIDS patient with Norwegian scabies manifest by a single, crusted plaque localised to the glans penis.

Methods: A 45 year old man with AIDS presented to our clinic complaining of a red papular pruritic rash on his abdomen and anterior thighs and a single, thick, crusted, non-pruritic lesion on the penis. He had been treated with lindane topically prior to the development of the penile lesion without resolution of the pruritus or red papular lesions. A mineral oil preparation was obtained from the hyperkeratotic penile lesion and revealed numerous mite eggs and faeces.

Results: The diagnosis of localised, genital Norwegian scabies was made. The patient was treated with ivermectin 200 μg/kg per dose taken as two doses, 14 days apart, with complete resolution of both pruritus and skin lesions.

Conclusions: This patient is the first known report of Norwegian scabies localised as a single lesion on the penis. He was successfully treated with oral ivermectin monotherapy.

  • Norwegian (crusted) scabies
  • AIDS
  • ivermectin

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