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Sexual behaviour and knowledge about HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections among health sciences students from Chile
  1. L Guerrero-Lillo1,
  2. J Medrano-Diaz1,
  3. F Perez1,
  4. C Perez1,
  5. A Bizjak-Gomez1,
  6. J Silva-Urra1,
  7. A J Rodriguez-Morales2
  1. 1School of Medicine, Antofagasta University, Antofagasta, Chile
  2. 2Universidad de Los Andes, Trujillo, Venezuela
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Lisette Guerrero-Lillo
 School of Medicine, Antofagasta University, Antofagasta, Chile; lisitta_g{at}

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The aim of AIDS educational campaigns is to reduce the spread of HIV infection by changing attitudes and practices related to high-risk behaviours. However, before such programmes can be implemented, certain assessments should be conducted. These include assessments of the existing knowledge, attitudes and sexual practices of specific risk groups.1 Among those groups assessed should be professionals and volunteers who are engaged in managing patients with AIDS. For these reasons, we evaluated the knowledge and practice about HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in health sciences students from Chile.

We adapted, modified and then validated the World Health Organization’s standardised survey inventories assessing AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices for adolescents.2,3 A 23-question survey, conducted among students from the schools of medicine and attention to mental retardation (AMR; known as Parvularia in Spanish, studied during first and fifth years) at the Antofagasta …

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  • This paper was presented previously, in part, at the 12th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2006 (Poster Number 6.002).