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Objectives: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for chlamydial infection in cross-border truck drivers.
Methods: 225 Hong Kong-based cross-border truck drivers were screened for chlamydial infection. Associations between infection and potential risk factors were determined by questionnaire.
Results: 8.5% of drivers were positive for chlamydial infection. Of 62% of drivers reporting recent sex with commercial sex workers (CSW), 39% had not used condoms. 75% of drivers with extramarital sex partners (ESP) also frequented CSW and 47% of this group had not used condoms with CSW. 43.3% PCR-positive cases reported symptoms. No risk factor was associated with chlamydial infection after adjustment, although “had sex with ESP” approached significance.
Conclusions: The prevalence of chlamydial infection among cross-border truck drivers was not strikingly high, although drivers engaged in sex with both ESP and CSW, with many admitting unprotected intercourse. The findings highlight the importance of promoting safe sex to truck drivers.
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Funding: The study was supported by internal competitive research grant G-T560, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Competing interests: None.
Ethics approval: Ethics approval was obtained from the Human Subjects Ethics Committee.
Patient consent: Obtained.
Contributors: PHML was the principal investigator on the project, designed the PCR assay, coordinated the sample collection, supervised laboratory investigation and took primary responsibility for writing the paper. MVB provided advice on proposal writing, conducted the statistical analyses, as well as taking part in the writing and editing of the paper. JTFL provided advice on the design of the study and sample collection. ATYW gave advice on the proposal writing and study design. MP was responsible for subject recruitment at the container terminal and the border-crossing points. TKN was responsible for urine sample analyses using the Cobas Amplicor CT/NG system. ETFT helped to design and translated the Chinese version of the questionnaire; he also helped to analyse the data and took part in writing and editing the paper.