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Book review
Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling
  1. Katy Turner
  1. Correspondence to Katy Turner, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, UK; katy.turner{at}

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Edited by Emilia Vynnycky, Richard White. Published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, paperback, June 2010, £32.95 (soft cover), pp 368. ISBN 13: 9780198565765, ISBN 10: 0198565763.

Mathematical models play an increasingly important role in our understanding of the epidemiology and control of infectious disease. An Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling by Vynnycky and White aims to equip its readers with the knowledge and skills to develop and use their own models. The content draws on the authors' extensive experience teaching and developing the successful short course and MSc module at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The book is especially successful in its ambition to be accessible to non-mathematicians, including carefully worked step-by-step examples with clear explanations of the mathematical concepts as well as a useful ‘Basic maths’ reference section. The authors also use their own research experience to provide contemporary, real-life examples …

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