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Background The paradigm of research in sexually transmitted diseases (STD) has recently shifted to HIV/AIDS. Recent trend of sexually transmitted diseases in India is lacking.
Objective To determine the trend in the syndromic diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (STI).
Methods Data of patients attending our STD clinic between 2008 and 2010 was retrieved. Aetiological diagnosis of individual patients as practiced in our clinic were fit into any of the following syndromic diagnoses—vaginal/cervical discharge, non-herpetic genital ulcer, herpetic ulcer, lower abdominal pain, urethral discharge, ano- rectal discharge, inguinal bubo, scrotal swelling, genital warts, and other STIs that could not be characterised into above syndromes. The syndromic approach as suggested by National AIDS Control Organization of India was followed. Trend of syndromic diagnosis of STIs was determined.
Results In 2008, majority (51.1%) of the new patients registered to the clinic (36, 26.66% herpetic genital ulcer, 33, 24.44% genital warts) had one or the other viral STI. In 2009, 43.68% patients had viral STIs (21.35% herpetic GUD, 22.33% genital warts). In 2010, there was a significant increase in the incidence of viral STIs; 72.6% patients (36.94% herpetic GUD and 35.66% genital warts) had one or the other viral syndromic diagnosis.
Conclusion In concurrence to observations worldwide, proportion of viral STIs have increased significantly recently due to widespread use of broad spectrum antibiotics. One more reason could be recurrent or persistent nature of these viral STIs. In our setting, incidences of herpetic GUD and genital warts were almost similar.