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Background Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is a common condition with a reported 1:50 sexually active women in the UK developing it annually. An estimated 1:5 will consequently become infertile. Use of the 2011 BASHH guidelines provides an excellent tool in improving uniformity in treatment and advice provided.
Aim To assess improvement in care from two cohorts of patient's with PID attending a District General Hospital clinic, at two points, 3 years apart by introduction of a PID tick-box sticker.
Method Using a BASHH guideline based proforma, data were recorded and compared between 2 cohorts, the 1st from June to December 2008 (27pts), the 2nd from 2011 (25pts).
Results In 2011: STI detection was increased at 48%, from 37% previously, reflecting national trends. 88% received 2 weeks of metronidazole and doxycycline (12% had erythromycin due to risk of pregnancy). None had ceftriaxone as per local guidelines based on this and an additional audit, which revealed very low prevalence of infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae in the local PID population. Improvements with the introduction of the sticker included number of pregnancy tests performed—80% up from 26% and documentation of provision of written information which rose from 3.7% to 88%. 60% saw the HA at their clinic visit compared to 44% in 2008. Partner notification rates were unaffected with 51.6% of male contacts screened with a STI detected in 44% as opposed to 67% in 2008 with a STI in 37%. N gonorrhoeae was not identified in any presenting woman, nor any screened contact in 2011 and in only one contact in 2008.
Conclusion Introduction of a simple measure such as a PID sticker can aid documentation and adherence to correct management. Striving to improve better partner notification with subsequent screening and treatment, should remain a priority. Of note, there were no Gonococcal infections detected in any of our 2011 cohort and this reflects the local prevalence.