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Improving clinical practice and service delivery
P140 Setting up a young person's contraception and sexual health (CaSH) service in a semi-rural GP practice—the first year
  1. O Hum
  1. School Hill Surgery, Lewes, UK


Background The National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV talks about improving access to genito-urinary medicine (GUM) services by providing Level 2 services in other settings, including primary care. Rural teenagers often find it hard to access GUM services due to distance and time constraints. They may also dislike consulting their own General Practitioners (GPs) due to concerns about confidentiality.

Aims/Objectives Poor access to sexual health and family planning services was noticed in our rural area. A small Level 2 service was set up within a GP practice in January 2011. It was designed in conjunction with, and widely promoted at, local schools and colleges. A walk in service, running once a week; it offers diagnosis and treatment of most STIs, registration for C card, and all forms of contraception including long acting reversible contraception (LARC). It also offers pregnancy testing, HIV testing, signposting and advice. Emergency contraception is offered at any time of the week. There are three members of staff, a GP, practice nurse and health care assistant.

Results 432 patients were seen, with a median age of 17, drawn from a large geographical area. 75% were female and 20% under 16. New to follow-up ratio was 3:1. 261 chlamydia tests were offered with an 11% positivity rate. 137 young people have been registered for the C card, with a short education session, and LARC was discussed with 216 patients. 102 prescriptions for oral contraceptives were given and 23 injections of Depo Provera. 17 contraceptive implants and two coils were inserted. A patient satisfaction survey with a sample size of 38 showed high satisfaction ratings. Offering a service within the non-threatening environment of a GP surgery was approved highly, and most felt that their right to confidentiality had been upheld.

Conclusions In a semi-rural area, primary care can provide an effective, accessible and popular alternative to traditional CaSH services.

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