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Improving clinical practice and service delivery
P150 Females under 16 attending GUM
  1. M King1,
  2. C J F Priestley2
  1. 1Dorset County Hospital Foundation Trust, Dorset, UK
  2. 2Dorset County Hospital, Dorset, UK


Background The government set out a number of sexual health targets in the white paper “Choosing Health” 2004 and include. A reduction in the under 18 conception rate, An increase in the percentage of people aged 15–24 accepting chlamydia screening. Young people need to be able to easily access sexual health services in order to prevent, diagnose and treat sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and gain advice and contraception to protect against unintended pregnancy. A significant proportion of patients under the age of 16 are seen, who may have child protection concerns or be vulnerable. We wanted to examine the reasons for their attendance.

Aims In female patients under the age of 16 attending the integrated sexual health clinic, to identify. The reasons for attendance. STI diagnosis and treatment. Contraceptive use and provision. The degree of sexual risk-taking in under 16s, including sexual history, condom use, requests for post coital contraception and pregnancy testing, and the number of pregnancies. Other child protection concerns, including age at first intercourse and age of sexual partner, and parental awareness of their sexual activity. Other factors that contribute to vulnerability and risk-taking in, including alcohol and drug use, mental health issues, low self esteem, homelessness and chaotic life style.

Methodology Service provision was reviewed in comparison to the DoH standards. 50 sets of records were analysed.

Results Reasons for attendance Contraception 80% PCC 60% Pregnancy Test 20% Sexual Screening 42% Recommendation: (1) development of integrated sexual health clinics, (2) PCT commissions a local, accessible abortion service, (3) develop links with other drug alcohol services, (4) combine sexual history sheet with the under 16s proforma, (5) Improve education about LARC in schools to promote uptake, (6) encourage a self-taken chlamydia swab or urine sample in those who decline full STI screening.

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