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Leucine-rich immunoglobulin-like repeats (LRIG) 1, 2 and 3 in cervical neoplasia
Background Cervical neoplasms; invasive cancer and intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), are sexually transmitted infections, HPV infection is the main etiological agent. Defining factors that are correlated to increased risk, diagnosis, prognosis and other clinical features are important.
Methods 129 invasive cervical cancers in stages IB to IV, 47 cases of high grade CIN, 59 cases of low-grade CIN and 64 biopsies from normal epithelium were consecutively recruited. The cervical biopsies were evaluated for LRIG expression, and a total of 15 other relevant biological tissue markers (tumour markers) in invasive cancer and CIN. A structured questionnaire, and serum estradiol and progesterone were included.
Results In early stages of invasive cancer LRIG 1 expression correlated to a favourable prognosis (90% vs. 64% survival), while the reverse was true for LRIG 2 expression (60% vs. 87% survival). Low expression of LRIG 1 and high for LRIG 2 indicated a very poor prognosis (26% vs. 66%). LRIG 3 expression had no impact on prognosis. Smoking and high serum progesterone correlated to absence of LRIG 1 expression.
In CIN both LRIG 1 and LRIG 2 expression increased with increasing severity of the lesion.
There was a correlation between LRIG 3 expression and HPV infection as well as three tumour suppressors (Rb, p53 and p16) and use of progestogenic contraceptives, whereas LRIG 2 correlated negatively to Rb. Both LRIG 1 and LRIG 2 correlated to expression of tumour suppressor FHIT.
Conclusion There seems to be biological roles for LRIG 1, LRIG 2 and LRIG 3 in HPV-associated cervical neoplasia. In invasive lesions LRIG 1 is associated with suppression, LRIG 2 with progression of the tumour, while the role of LRIG 3 remains obscure. In CIN LRIG expression correlates to a number of events associated with outcome.
- Cervical neoplasms
- Human papillomavirus infection