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P3.002 Detection of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection in Anal Samples in Russian Men Who Have Sex with Women (MSW)
  1. V Smelov1,2,
  2. M Elfström2,
  3. C Eklund2,
  4. O Sokolova3,4,
  5. A Novikov1,
  6. J Dillner2
  1. 1North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Dept of Urology and Andrology, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  2. 2Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
  3. 3S. P. Botkin Memorial Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  4. 4St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


Background HPV has been found in the anal canal of heterosexual men (MSWs) but knowledge on anal HPV epidemiology among MSWs is still limited.

Methods In total, B-globin positive anal samples from 350 Russian MSWs (age 18–58 years, sex debut 9–23 years, 1–700 life-time sex partners) attending a urology unit of a STI clinic and HIV+ patients from a city infection hospital were collected in St. Petersburg. HPV testing and genotyping for 13 oncogenic and 23 non-oncogenic HPV types was conducted with a reference method from the WHO HPV LabNet global reference laboratory, using a proficient Luminex assay.

Results Overall HPV prevalence (including oncogenic and non-oncogenic types) was 17.1%, 15.2% in HIV- compared to 40.7% in HIV+ Russian MSW (p = 0.0022). HPV 16 infection was most common (5.4%) followed by HPV 51 (2.0%), HPV 45, (1.7%) and 87 (1.7%). Age, number of sexual partners, and age at sexual debut were not associated with HPV infection.

Conclusion HPV infection is common in anal samples of Russian MSWs. HPV prevalence is higher among men who were HIV-positive.

  • Anal HPV
  • Luminex
  • MSW

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