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Background Most women who acquire HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are in their child bearing years and are current or potential users of contraceptive methods. The study was undertaken to provide information on the association between the hormonal contraceptive methods and STIs among women attending Family Planning clinics, University College Hospital,Ibadan,Nigeria.
Methods It was a cross-sectional study in a population of women using hormonal contraceptive methods attending Family Planning clinics. Detailed medical history, Endocervical and high vaginal swabs were collected from the women to establish diagnosis after clinical examination and informed consent. Aliquots of sera from venous blood samples of the women were tested for antibodies to HIV-1/2 and RPR. Data was analysed using SPSS for widows’ version 15.0.
Results There were 102 women using hormonal contraceptive methods who participated in the study with mean age of 31.92 years (SD = 8.33, range = 16 –55). The mean age of sexual debut of participants was 19.5 years. The most common STI diagnosed was Vaginal candidiasis (22.5%) while others were bacterial vaginosis (21.6%), HIV (11.8%), Trichomoniasis (11.8%), Chlamydia cervicitis (8.8%), syphilis (5.9%), genital warts (6.9%) and gonorrhoea (2.9%).Younger age of sexual debut influenced the decision of selecting various forms of hormonal contraceptives especially the emergence of oral contraceptive forms (P = 0.043. Majority of the women on hormonal contraceptives had multiple sexual partners. There were significant associations between utilisation of hormonal contraceptive methods and transmission of trichomoniasis (P = 0.019, 4.2 (1.0–13.2).
Conclusions Women seeking contraception to prevent unintended pregnancy are as much in need of education about prevention of STIs. The study found that younger age, numbers sexual partners, and use of hormonal contraceptives could increase the risk of acquiring trichomonads infection.
- Contraceptives
- sexually transmitted infections
- women