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P3.338 Epidemiological and Clinical Aspects of HIV-TB Co-Infection in the Republic of Djibouti: Experience of PAUL FAURE Hospital
  1. B Abdi Khaireh1,2,
  2. A Ahmed Abdi1,
  3. A Bareh Matan3,
  4. S Dao4
  1. 1Armed Forces Health Service, Djibouti, Djibouti
  2. 2Medical Research Institute, Djibouti, Djibouti
  3. 3Ministry of Health, Paul Faure Hospital, Djibouti, Djibouti
  4. 4Faculty of Medecine, Bamako, Bamako, Mali


Background This work was done to study the HIV-TB co-infection at Paul FAURE Republic of Djibouti were tuberculosis is highly endemic. Our objectives was to identify the average profile of individuals concerned by co-infection in PAUL FAURE Hospital and the differences between two period of time. First period: January 2003 to April 2007 and second period: May 2007 to May 2008.

Methods The status of HIV-TB co-infection was studied through the distribution of HIV-TB co-infected patients. These patients were followed at PAUL FAURE Hospital.

This distribution was examined under thirteen parameters that were clinical, sociological and epidemiological over two distinct periods of time. The essential criterion for inclusion in the study was to be HIV-TB co-infected. The study included 104 cases of the 1st period and 85 cases of 2nd period.

Results The average profile of HIV-TB co-infected patient who was monitored at PAUL FAURE Hospital over the 1st period was: a man, between 26–45 years of age, Djiboutian, married, with modest income, moderately educated, weakly informed about HIV-TB diseases, having a TPM+ as a clinical form of TB with 12.50% chance of dying while receiving treatment, with survival rate at 1 year under ART equaling 19.44%.

In the 2nd period, the average profile was: a woman, between 26–40 years of age, Ethiopian, divorced, with modest income, not educated, not informed about HIV-TB diseases, drug users (Khat), a resident of Arhiba or Q4, having a TPM+ as clinical form of TB, being cured or still under treatment, with survival rate at 1 year under ART equaling 97.14%.

Conclusions improving care and better monitoring of patients, as it was the case in second period, with systematic updating of sociological, clinical and epidemiological data can lead to a better management of the co-infection within the country.

  • ART
  • HIV-TB co-infection
  • period

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