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P3.448 HPV and Anogenital Warts. New Original Treatment with Analyse and Overview of the Current Clinical Situation Today
  1. E G Duray
  1. Derma-Med Clinic, Budapest, Hungary


Background HPV induced anogenital infections are the most common STI-s worldwide. According to WHO published data the incidence of them has dramatically raised in the past decade. Besides the high contagiosity benign epithelial lesions of the genitoanal region, the anogenital warts - HPV-s are responsible for development of most of the cervical neoplasias and other malignancies of the epithelial areas. Prevalence of HPV induced genital warts in the general population is 10% and affects 30% of sexually active young women at least 1x in their life. 65% of sexual partners of patients having condylomas will develop identical lesions in 9 months time. For the last decade no innovation has been proposed for treatment of anogenital warts. Currently available methods are based on surgical, chemical or immunological approaches.

Methods We have examined the efficacy and tolerability of an innovative cytotoxic method in the treatment of genitoanal condylomas in an international open prospective study. The cytodestructive effect is based on an innovative acid redox system (NO2-).

Results We have histological, clinical and virological evidence of the action of this system. The product is applied topically, it acts only locally, it doesn’t destroy the basal membrane and induces mummification of the condyloma tissue. We have demonstrated by histological examination the similar activity of this procedure versus cryotherapy with the advantage of easier application, it is painless and doesn’t need local anaesthesia.

Conclusion The treatment has great advantage in recurrent cases of genital warts by avoiding the need of repeated surgical procedures. It is also applicable for pregnant women, it doesn’t need specific technical facilities and experience. This method has direct effect on HPV DNA.

  • anogenital warts
  • condyloma
  • HPV

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