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P4.103 Assessing Intentions of Dentists For Provision of Dental Treatment to the Patients Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) in Pakistan
  1. A A Khawaja Khail,
  2. A S Gichki,
  3. K A Alizai,
  4. S A Kurd,
  5. M A Raisani
  1. Bolan Medical College, Quetta, Pakistan


A cross-sectional survey was carried out in Balochistan province in Pakistan to assess the intentions of dentists to provide dental treatment to the patients living with HIV/AIDS. All dentists of Balochistan province, registered by Pakistan Medical & Dental council (PMDC) were the population of this study and all the dentists either working in government sector, private sector or both were included.

Data collection was done by using mailed questionnaire among 115 dentists and 86 questionnaires were received with a response rate of 74.8%.

On statistical analysis, it was revealed that only 25% of the dentists expressed their willingness to provide dental treatment to the patients living with HIV/AIDS. On the other hand 17% of the dentists would refuse to provide dental treatment to PLWHAs.

Abstract P4.103 Table 1

Intentions of the 86 dentists to provide treatment to PLWHAs

Of those who intent to provide treatment; 10% of the 86 dentists will treat such patients as a normal patient. Those dentists who would prefer to refuse the PLWHAs; 7% of 86 dentists will refuse due to lack of proper instruments and sterilisation equipments and around 5% will refuse because of fear, as HIV has no cure.

Our results revealed that the dentists had a false sense of contraction of HIV because of lack of knowledge and social myths. According to the previous studies risk of contraction of HIV in dentistry is very low (0.3%). Our results also revealed that the main reason for denial to provide treatment to PLWHAs was lack of proper instruments and equipment.

  • Dental Treatment
  • Dentists

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