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P4.121 Government Role’s in Supporting Key Population Network
  1. S Warsono
  1. National AIDS Commission, Jakarta, Indonesia


In the AIDS response, the involvement of key populations is important. It means that without their contribution in AIDS response, it is impossible to prevent new infection.

To that end, the Indonesian National AIDS Commission supports key population groups to form a national network. With the support of the National AIDS Commission, some network such as Indonesian Drug Users Network, Positive Women Network, LSL Network and Sex Worker Network are formed.

To strengthen the network, the National AIDS Commission provides financial and technical support through Indonesia Partnership Fund since 2009. The financial support was allocated for operational cost and offices. Apart form Indonesia Partnership Fund support, Those networks are also supported Global Fund throuhg National AIDS Commission.

In coordination meetings that conducted every three months with all members of the National AIDS Commission, these networks are also invited as observers and provide important input related to the AIDS response. The coordination meeting led by Minister of Public Welfare in January 2010 have decided that these networks should be a part of the member of the National AIDS Commission. Since then, the network has been facilitated with grants and state funds. The funding provides each network some grants for coordination meeting, leadership training, community mobilisation training and other activities.

With such support, Indonesian government has shown some recognition of the role of networks of key populations in the AIDS response which has enabled the network to collaborate with various government agencies such as with the Ministry of Health and Social Ministry. The support of the other Ministries are also emerging following the recognition of these two Ministries. With a variety of existing support, the network has also been able to strengthen the system within each network to take more active role in the AIDS response.

  • Government
  • Key Population

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