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P4.134 Strategies For Community Systems Strengthening in the ISEAN-Hivos Program Targeting MSMs and Transgenders in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Timor Leste- An Evaluation
  1. L P Norella
  1. ISEAN Hivos Program, Jakarta, Indonesia


Background The ISEAN-Hivos Program is a regional HIV-prevention programme targeting MSM and Transgenders. The approach used by the programme is Community Systems Strengthening through the provision of assistance and capacity building for MSM and TG Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in four countries in the South East Asian Region, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Timor Leste. Some of the training activities of the programme include: 1. Workshops for the localization of BCC materials; 2. Training of outreach workers/peer educators on BCC and condom distribution; 3. Trainings on networking and advocacy; 4. Provision of trainings for network partners to support rollout of monitoring and documentation strategy; and 5. Capacity building for MSM and TG CBOs to participate in UNGASS (or MDG for Health Review) monitoring

Methods An evaluation was conducted after its first year of implementation through a review of strategies that are to be adopted during the first two years of the programme. The evaluation was included in the discussions among the partners of the Program during their inception meetings.

Results Results of the strategic evaluations include:

  1. There is a need to synchronise the various activities being implemented at the country level with other regional initiatives of the Program.

  2. There is a need to re-cast the approaches of the Program, including the strategies identified in developing CBOs for MSMs and Transgenders especially in under-represented areas in the four countries.

  3. There is a need to further examine the complementarity of the regional programme’s activities with those of the national programmes, particularly those with funding support from the Global Fund.

Conclusions These results from the early evaluation of the Program provide inputs on the refinement of approaches being used by other HIV prevention programmes targeting MSM and Transgender populations in the region.

  • community
  • MSM and TG

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