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P4.145 Health Promotion Strategies For Developing Life Skills to Fight Against HIV/AIDS Among School Children
  1. J P h M Vidanapathirana,
  2. S Nanayakkara,
  3. G Samaraweera
  1. National STD/AIDS Control Programme, COLOMBO 10, Sri Lanka


Introduction Sri Lankan schools setup makes every effort to improve wellbeing of school children. One objective is develop life skills to promote sexual well being. Advocacy, skill building of education officer and school teachers were carried out using health promotion strategies with participatory approach. Health promoting schools were established and concept were introduced to achieve in which the school community for developing life skills.

Objective To assess the usefulness of Health promotion strategies for developing life skills to fight against HIV/AIDS among school children

Methodology Audit and check list methods were used to assess the application of some health promotion strategies. Altogether 20 pre and post focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted, with school teachers before and after establishing the health promoting schools to assess the knowledge on HIV/AIDS. Content analysis was used. A quantitative post intervention survey were carried out to assess knowledge and attitudes among school children using a scientific sampling technique in three consecutive years

Results Audit and check list methods revealed that more than 80% of schools were implemented health promotion strategies in related to HIV/AIDS prevention by adopting various strategies including the relevant policies.

FGDs revealed that the majority of teachers had poor knowledge on transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS and post intervention FGDs revealed that majority had improved the knowledge up to satisfactory level on transmission and prevention.

Quantitative survey among school children showed more than 80% of school children ranked the knowledge on transmission, prevention and misconception of HIV/AIDS during year 2009 and 90% and 89% in year 2010and 2012 respectively.

Conclusions Skill based education via school teachers is a successful method to improve knowledge and attitude among school children on HIV prevention. Health promotion strategies were useful for developing life skills to fight against HIV/AIDS among school children

  • health promotion
  • life skill based HIV/AIDS prevention
  • school children

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