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P5.046 Health and Religion: Candomble Places of Worship (Terreiros) as Spaces For Promoting Health and STD/AIDS Prevention
  1. D B Oliveira Neto1,
  2. B G Barbosa1,
  3. N Lima1,
  4. J M da Silva2,
  5. M Siqueira1,
  6. V M da Silva2,
  7. M A C Guimarães2,
  8. I Brito1,
  9. G Cassimiro1,
  10. E Zita1
  1. 1Ministry of Health - Bureau of Health Surveillance - Department of STD/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, Brasília, Brazil
  2. 2Rede Nacional de Religião Afro e Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Background Demand for producing video materials for Afro-Brazilian religious communities on STD/AIDS prevention actions. For centuries, Afro-Brazilian religious temples have been spaces for inclusion, welcoming hospitality and counselling for historically excluded groups. The ancestry, ritual practises and interpersonal relationships that are constructed in these spaces make possible affective exchange and the production of knowledge, health promotion and disease prevention.

Methods Bibliographic Search. A technical meeting with the organisers of the National Afro-Brazilian Religion and Health Network, literature research, workshops and interviews for the recording of a documentary video.


  • Four workshops carried out in 4 Brazilian states.

  • 4,000 initial copies made of a video to showing that candomble religion is a field of knowledge that can offer productive ideas concerning the promotion of health, cultural resistance and development of public health policies.

  • Campaigns coordinated with the terreiros for reducing stigmatisation and discrimination, promoting the right to healthcare and civil rights, and improving the quality of life of those living with HIV/AIDS.

Conclusion The importance of STD/AIDS prevention, not only through government policies but also by taking into consideration the knowledge, teachings and care provided in the “terreiros”, and by recognising their contribution to the physical, psychological and spiritual health of the participants, based on talks by “the people of the saint” (povo de santo) religious leaders, and their songs, myths and proverbs, all contributing to the promotion of health and STD/AIDS prevention.

  • Health and religion
  • Promotion
  • Network
  • STD/AIDS prevention actions

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