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P5.052 Knowledge and Awareness of Cervical Cancer, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV Vaccines Among Medical Students
  1. V C Sangar1,
  2. B B Ghongane2,
  3. S S Rajdherkar3
  1. 1Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune, India
  2. 2Government Medical College Miraj, Miraj, India
  3. 3Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, India


Background Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among the gynaecological cancer worldwide. Therefore, medical students in developing countries like INDIA should have sound knowledge about this disease. In this study we aim to access the current knowledge amongst medical students about cervical cancer, HPV and HPV vaccines.

Methods A cross-sectional, questionnaire based survey was conducted among 355 medical students during October 2012 to Jan 2013 in the tertiary medical care hospital. Out of 355 medical students, 129 students (36.33%) were from preclinical stage (I MBBS) belongs to group I, 148 students (41.69%) from paraclinical stage (II MBBS) belongs to group II and 78 students were from clinical stage belongs to group III (III MBBS onwards).

Results Out of 355 medical students, 326 participants (91.83%) were aware that virus is the causative agent of cervical cancer. The 218 participants (61.4%) knew about the route of cervical cancer transmission. The most common risk factor reported by 185 (52.11%) participants was poor hygiene. The 66 participant reported most common presenting feature was bleeding per vaginal (18.59%). The results showed that 263 students (74.08%) were unaware about the proper route of HPV vaccine administration. They are also unaware about HPV vaccines availability, vaccine dosing schedule, target age group, manufacturers and vaccine preparation technology. Knowledge level among group III participants is significantly higher than group II participants (p < 0.001).

Conclusion Group I students are least aware about the epidemiology and aetiology of cervical cancer, HPV and HPV vaccines. Group II student are unaware about HPV vaccines pricing, manufacturer and dosing schedule. Group III students had significantly more knowledge in almost all parts of questionnaire. Therefore, we should stress in above groups in the area where they are lacking because in future they are going to play a role of physician.

  • Human Papillomavirus vaccines
  • Knowledge
  • medical students

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