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P5.056 Mission is Possible! The German STI-Society (DSTIG) as a Pacemaker For Sexual Health and STI-Research in Germany
  1. N H Brockmeyer1,2,
  2. V Bremer3,
  3. H Langanke4
  1. 1German STI-Society (DSTIG), Bochum, Germany
  2. 2Clinic for Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
  3. 3German STI-Society (DSTIG), Berlin, Germany
  4. 4German STI-Society (DSTIG), Cologne, Germany


Background For the last 111 years the “German STI Society - Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health” (DSTIG) has been the biggest medical and social society focusing on sexually transmitted infections (STI), which brings clinicians, therapists, people working in the sexual health sector or in STI counselling together. This interdisciplinary approach makes it unique in the German landscape of medical societies.

Through it’s history the DSTIG achieved a lot, even though a peak-number of 10,000 members in the 1920s is not reached yet again: The transformation through the years has been from a mainly clinically-pathologically oriented Dermato-Venerological expert group to an open society, which focuses on the whole range of STI-research and sciences, including sexual health.

Organization & Projects: The members of the DSTIG do work on specific topics in six sections for example in the field of sexual health, medical guidelines, STI-research and/or the development of STI-training material. Amongst other projects and publications, the DSTIG-sections developed prevention standards and indicators to measure sexual health, and treatment guidelines on gonorrhoea. Comprehensive recommendations for counselling, diagnosis and treatment of STI patients are being developed; guidelines for Chlamydia and Syphilis are under progress.

Goals Between 2010–2012 the number of members increased by 51%, which is an obvious indicator that the interdisciplinary way of the DSTIG is the right direction. Taking over responsibility by focusing on the people living at the “edges” of our society like sexworkers, immigrants, homosexuals etc. is one of the goals of the DSTIG. As well the DSTIG is on the way to become an important player in the development of STI-guidelines, and this not only on national level but Europe-wide. Therefore the expertise of physicians from different medical disciplines and the close cooperation between professionals on different levels of the German health system are necessary for success.

  • sexual health
  • STI-Research

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