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Problem: Ukraine has the fastest HIV spread pace in Europe (221 806 people as of November 2012).
Sexual HIV transmission mode has been dominant in Ukraine since 2008 (51%–sexual, 28%–parenteral).
HIV/STI epidemic in Ukraine is concentrated in MARPs and threatens to generalise.
Activity description:
STI diagnostics and treatment programmes for MARPs commenced in Ukraine since 2008, supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, in an unfavourable situation due to the lack of understanding between medical services, adverse attitude to case management principles and integrated care. Several models of dermatovenerologic assistance to MARPs and stage-by-stage implementation thereof were developed.
Results In 2008 62 HCFs and 82 NGOs joined the programme.
In 2012 STI diagnostics and treatment are provided in 108 HCFs of Ukraine (50 skin and venereal dispensaries, 25 AIDS centres, 33 general facilities).
As of 31.012.2012 674 362 screening tests and counselling for STI and viral hepatitis and 38 872 STI treatment courses were provided for MARPs.
193 247 MARPs representatives (as of 31.07.2012) referred to 15 mobile clinics which provide HIV/STI counselling and testing.
16 trainings were held for NGOs representatives and medical facilities.
In 2012 22 multidisciplinary teams were created to provide STI diagnostics and treatment services for MARPs in HCFs.
The MoH of Ukraine working group on amending National STI Protocols was created.
Program should be implemented simultaneously under several models considering national and regional specifics.
STI diagnostic and treatment programmes should become an integral part of HIV prevention services package for MARPs.
MDTs are the most successful model.
National STI Protocols amendment and case management implementation are necessary.
- HIV prevention services
- Multidisciplinary teams