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P6.025 The Brazilian Experience in the Joint Construction of Action Plans For the Prevention, Control, Surveillance, Diagnosis and Treatment of STDs, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Among Indigenous Populations
  1. L do Nascimento,
  2. N Fernandes,
  3. H Monteiro,
  4. E Santos,
  5. R Coelho,
  6. A Mello,
  7. V Costa,
  8. G Casimiro,
  9. E Zita,
  10. I Brito
  1. Department of STDs, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis - Ministry of Health, Brasília, Brazil


Background Within the Brazilian context, it is possible to say that indigenous populations are among the groups at highest risk and vulnerability to HIV, AIDS and viral hepatitis (VH). With the objective of reversing this situation, in 2009, the AIDS SUS and VIGISUS Projects were set up to improve STD/AIDS/VH interventions among these populations. In 2012, the Ministry of Health (MoH) promoted the mobilisation of indigenous representatives of 34 Indigenous Health Sanitary Districts and healthcare professionals and administrators from all states.

Methods The Special Office for Indigenous Health and the MoH’s Department of STDs, AIDS and VH conducted 6 macro-region workshops with the purpose of expanding and integrating the indigenous health network and strengthening infection control measures for STDs, AIDS and VH. Each workshop of 45 participants was held in a strategic state capital for 4 days. The methodology used interactive lectures, video, and round table meetings to discuss the current scenario and to jointly develop Action Plans that will target indigenous populations living in tribal or urban areas through 2015.

Results The organisation of the workshops integrated a broad spectrum of the various fields. Attendance averaged 71%. During the events, reports documented the need for: training campaigns, exchange of information, a joint delineation of activities, and participation of indigenous representatives. The action plan’s model comprises five core areas: prevention, reduction of vertical transmission, expansion of diagnosis, epidemiological surveillance, and treatment.

Conclusions The work was crucial for bringing together the various levels of government and actors involved in the formulation and operationalization of policies for indigenous populations. In 2013, the following will be conducted: monitoring, 3 evaluation workshops and visits to the tribes. The project is also expected to facilitate the participation of these populations in the construction of policies and services that meet and respect their specific cultural requirements.

  • Indigenous Health
  • prevention KL01
  • STDs
  • AIDS and viral hepatitis

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