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P6.062 QUALIAIDS: Quality of Ambulatory Health Services Who Attend People Living with HIV/AIDS in Brazil
  1. F M Lazarini,
  2. J Uesono,
  3. M A Freitas,
  4. D B Greco
  1. Ministry of Health, Brazil, Department of STD, Aids and Viral Hepatitis, Brasília, Brazil


Background Between 2007 and 2012, there was an increase of 14% of Specialized Care Services for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), totaling 724. A decade ago the Qualiaids evaluates the quality of outpatient care in public services in Brazil. The aim of this study is to describe the dimensions of this evaluation method, the highlights of care services and its importance in monitoring the quality of care for PLHIV.

Methods Were made three national applications: one manual and two online through a questionnaire completed by the services. Each question has a score, and there were grouped under three components: availability of services inputs, organisation of care delivery and managerial aspects. To rank the services Were used the average obtained in the questions and then were grouped by technique of K-mean. The analysis resulted in the layering of five groups in decreasing levels of quality. The online tool also released a set of recommendations for good practises in order to elucidate the quality criteria that support the score of each question.

Results Qualiaids covered 80% of the services in 2007 and 90% in 2010. Increased the overall average and the three dimensions of quality, with statistical significance for most of them. The size of management remains the dimension with the lowest quality rating. The great majority of responses to the questionnaire QUALIAIDS was maintained in similar frequencies (variations less than 10%) among the respondents of the two sets of ratings.

Conclusion From the self assessment were planned the feedback workshops to improving the quality to knowing the difficulties and systematise the priorities for the development of an action plan customised for each service. This process favoured the implementation of agreements and pacts that allowed monitoring of quality indicators and subsidised practises to improve the quality of care services.

  • Ambulatory health services
  • People living with HIV
  • Quality

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