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P2.011 Interest of the Cepheid Xpert CT/NG Assay to Rapid Detection and Differentiation of Chlamydia Trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (NG) Uro­Genital Infections
  1. F Jaureguy,
  2. C Masson,
  3. F Lavisse,
  4. P Larmignat,
  5. B Picard
  1. Hôpital Avicenne, Bobigny, France


Objectives Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) are sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Most infections are asymptomatic, representing an important reservoir for transmission. Without treatment, complications such as infertility may occur. Moreover, 33% of CT/NG co-infection rate has been reported. Since 2010, combined screening of CT and NG by PCR in asymptomatic population has been recommended by the French Health Authority. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the interest of the new Cepheid Xpert® CT/NG Assay, a real-time PCR test for the automated and rapid detection and differentiation of CT and NG genomic DNA, in population with systematically screening such as induced abortion.

Methods Between July and November 2012, 634 urogenital samples were received in our laboratory to detect CT and/or NG infections with the Xpert CT/NG assay.

Results Of the 634 samples included in this study, 61 (9.6%) were CT positive, 19 (2.9%) were NG positive. Among the 61 CT positives, 10 (1.6%) were positive for both CT and NG. Concerning the 177 samples performed in case of induced abortion, 27 (15.3%) were CT positive, 9 (5.1%) were NG positive and 5 (2.8%) were positive for both pathogens.

Conclusion The results revealed a global prevalence (9.6%) of CT infections, this percentage being higher in women screened for induced abortion. Although, many clinicians tend to only request testing for CT, our results demonstrate the value of the detection of both CT and NG by Xpert CT/NG. This new test allows a more rapid, accurate detection and optimises the management of STIs by clinicians. Finally, the screening of asymptomatic population helps also to reduce the transmission and is a more cost effectiveness alternative in screening settings.

  • chlamydia
  • Neisseria
  • XpertCT/NG

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