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P38 Results from first year of the nhs’s first targeted ‘chemsex’ clinic in GUM/HIV
  1. David Stuart,
  2. Alan McOwan
  1. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 56 Dean Street GUM/HIV, London, UK


Background/introduction With much speculation and anecdotal reports regarding the causal links between sexualised recreational drug use by MSM (commonly referred to as ‘ChemSex’) and HIV/HCV rates, there has been much demand from commissioners and researchers and practitioners to identify the extent of the problem. In 2014, one London GUM/HIV clinic launched the NHS’ first targeted ChemSex clinic. This presentation includes robust data collected from 874 unique presentations in the first year of this landmark clinic.

Aim(s)/objectives The objective was to satisfy the health sector’s concerns about the extent of this much hyped syndemic, with qualitative and quantitative data as well as assess interventions and cohort engagement methods.

Methods Targeted clinics and outreach services were established with skilled addiction staff and resourcing peer volunteers, collecting culturally and contextually appropriate behavioural trends and data.

Results Data includes:

  • Effectiveness of certain contextually-appropriate questions re ChemSex during GUM consultation.

  • ARV non-adherence amongst high-risk ChemSex party-goers who favour condomless sex.

  • Condom use (or otherwise) and number of partners broken down to include HIV+ve MSM not on treatment.

  • HIV/HCV broken down to include sexual acquisition versus injecting drug use acquisition.

  • HCV data broken down to include number of re-infections amongst HIV-ve non-injecting drug users.

Discussion/conclusion This presentation includes the data, offers examples of how this model might be adapted in other services, and incorporates some training for attendees in how to overcome fears or ignorance regarding drug use risk assessments and consultations; it also includes film footage of role play exercises for skill-building purposes.

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