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P66 Bashh regional audit of pepse provision in the north-west of england
  1. Jonathan Shaw1,
  2. Susanna Currie1,
  3. Cara Saxon2,
  4. Ashish Sukthankar1
  1. 1Manchester Centre for Sexual Health, Manchester, UK
  2. 2University Hospitals of South Manchester, Manchester, UK


Introduction Post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure (PEPSE) to HIV is an established method of reducing HIV transmission.

Aims Review of the provision of PEPSE in North-West England against BASHH national auditable standards.

Methods Retrospective case note review of patients attending 15 genitourinary medicine clinics in the North-West England for PEPSE between 1st January 2013 and 31st December 2013. A maximum of 30 cases per centre were reviewed.

Results Of 203 cases reviewed 140 (67.0%) were male, of whom 118 were MSM. Mean age was 31.5 years (range 15–75 years); 168 (82.8%) were White British. HIV testing within 5 days of PEPSE initiation was recorded for 185 (91.1%). Genitourinary departments starting PEPSE provided HIV testing for 103/112 (92.0%) at baseline. Other departments starting PEPSE tested 10/91 (11.0%). PEPSE was initiated for recommended indications in 187 cases (92.1%) and 185 (91.1%) were started within 72 h of exposure. Twenty-eight days of PEPSE was completed by 123 (60.6%); 21 (10.3%) discontinued early; 59 (29.1%) did not have their treatment duration documented. STI screening was documented and accepted by 163 (80.3%). A total of 98 (48.3%) were HIV tested at 12 weeks post-PEPSE; all were negative. For those documented as completing PEPSE 76/123 (61.8%) were HIV tested at 12 weeks post-PEPSE. At 6 months post-PEPSE 3 patients tested HIV-positive.

Conclusion PEPSE provision in the North-West met recommended standards for treatment initiation. However standards for PEPSE completion follow up and STI testing were not met. Documentation during follow up significantly impaired results and needs improvement.

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