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P74 Post exposure prophylaxis: bashh regional audit 2014
  1. Olivia Drew1,
  2. Emily Clarke2,
  3. Alison Blume3,
  4. Leela Sanmani4,
  5. Neelam Radja5,
  6. Sangeetha Sundaram6,
  7. Cecilia Priestley7
  1. 1Royal Bournemouth Hospital NHS Trust, Bournemouth, UK
  2. 2Solent NHS Trust, Southampton, UK
  3. 3Solent NHS Trust, Portsmouth, UK
  4. 4Solent NHS Trust, Winchester, UK
  5. 5Solent NHS Trust, Basingstoke, UK
  6. 6Salisbury NHS Trust, Salisbury, UK
  7. 7Weymouth Community Hospital, Weymouth, UK


Background/introduction In 2011 British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) updated their guidelines on HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

Aim(s)/objectives To audit the management of patients treated with PEP for both sexual and non-sexual risk in GUM clinics against BASHH PEP guidelines.

Methods A retrospective case notes review was performed on patients attending for PEP following both sexual and non-sexual risk, in 7 GUM clinics in Wessex between January–December 2013. Data collected included indication for PEP, time to commence, STI screening, completion rates and HIV testing done at baseline and 3 months post-PEP.

Results 98 case notes were reviewed. 77 patients had a sexual risk (47/77 men who have sex with men) and 21 a non-sexual risk. 92% of patients had a baseline HIV test at <72 h (target 100%). 73% of PEPSE prescriptions fitted within recommended indications, however only 28% of PEP prescriptions following non-sexual risk fitted within the recommended indication (target 90%). 100% of patients received PEP within 72 h and 62% of patients completed 4 weeks PEP (target 75%). 54% of patients had an HIV test at 3 months post-PEP (target 60%) and 70% of patients receiving PEPSE had an STI screen (target 90%).

Conclusion This audit demonstrated some good management such as baseline HIV testing and the time to commence PEP. It also revealed areas to be improved, in particular PEP prescribing in a non-sexual risk situation, where often the risk was not a recommended indication. This highlights the importance of continued education to all PEP prescribers.

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