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P85 Hiv testing in a rural scottish healthboard – has anything changed?
  1. Kirsty Abu-Rajab1,
  2. Mike Williamson2
  1. 1Central Sexual Health Department, Forth Valley, UK
  2. 2Microbiology Department, NHS Forth Valley, UK


Background/introduction Forth Valley NHS Health board is in central Scotland, covers a land area of 2633 km2 and looks after approximately 300,000 people. Education to healthcare professionals in different formats to try to increase HIV testing in those with relevant indicator conditions, in routine sexual health screens and in those from higher risk populations have been more frequent and visible in the last few years.

Aim(s)/objectives We were keen to see if this had resulted in a change in testing.

Methods A laboratory report showing the requesting location all HIV tests performed in 2012 and 2014 was produced. New HIV diagnoses attending the local HIV service and where they had been diagnosed was also recorded.

Results Overall a 19% increase in testing in 2014 compared to 2012.

Abstract P85 Table 1

HIV testing in Rural Scotland

In 2012 there was one new HIV diagnosis, this was in the sexual health service. In 2014 there were four new diagnoses, two in sexual health and two in ENT.

Discussion/conclusion This work has been helpful to show where HIV testing is being performed. This work allows us to target specific departments and encourage relevant testing and optimise patient testing pathways. We plan to repeat this work as we are aware of current initiatives in several departments such as the acute admission unit. We will also compare our results with the four other health boards through the West of Scotland sexual health MCN. In future work we will also be able to look at ‘Reasons for testing’ as this will be clearly recorded using the new test order system.

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