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P108 How do men who have sex with men fare in integrated sexual health centres? an audit of hepatitis b vaccination rates before and after integration
  1. Sally Wielding,
  2. Andy Ma,
  3. Dan Clutterbuck
  1. Chalmers Centre, NHS Lothian, Edinburgh, UK


Introduction In Scotland, Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) standards require that 70% of men who have sex with men (MSM) attending specialist sexual health services who are not known to already be immune should receive at least one dose of hepatitis B vaccine. The integration of sexual health services could theoretically disadvantage MSM.

Objectives Audit was performed before and after integration of genitourinary medicine (GUM) and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in April 2011 to assess the impact of service redesign.

Methods HBV vaccination eligibility, uptake and course completion by MSM registering as new patients in general sexual health and specialist MSM clinics was audited retrospectively for 6 month periods before and after integration of services.

Results Pre-integration 239 MSM registered for a first episode of care: 62.8% were eligible for vaccination. Post-integration 25.3% of 343 new patients were eligible. The proportion of eligible men receiving at least 1 dose of vaccination pre- and post-integration was unchanged (130/150 = 86.7% vs 78/87 = 89.7%, p = 0.6458, Chi2 0.2223043) However, there was a significant reduction in the proportion of men receiving 3 doses of vaccination; (76/150 = 50.7% vs 30/87 = 34.5%, p = 0.0157, Chi2 5.834).

Discussion SRH services continued to provide very high levels of initiation of HBV vaccination, even during the period immediately after integration when clinic accommodation, pathways and staffing were in a state of change. The reduced completion rates of a 3-dose course post-integration suggest that clinic access, availability and acceptability for MSM as well as recall arrangements should be explored.

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