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P157 Identifying the demand for “test-no-talk” gu services in a rural setting
  1. Hannah Proctor1,
  2. Jessica Simpson2,
  3. Joanne Palmer3,
  4. Amy Pearce1,
  5. George Morris1,
  6. Frances Keane1
  1. 1Sexual Health Hub, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, UK
  2. 2Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Truro, Cornwall, UK
  3. 3Department of Research and Development, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, UK


Background/introduction GU services are under growing pressure to provide resource-efficient screening programmes. Test-no-talk (TNT) services are gaining interest as an affordable method of asymptomatic screening.

Aim(s)/objectives Identify the proportion of our patients who might be suitable for TNT services.

Methods We retrospectively reviewed the notes of 271 new/rebook patients who were tested for any combination of chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV. Patients were excluded if they had any other service or diagnosis code apart from C4. For the purpose of the study, patients were deemed unsuitable for TNT services if they were symptomatic, <18 years of age, at high risk of HIV, a recent victim of sexual assault, at risk of pregnancy, a man with a same sex partner (MSM), if female, menstruating at the time of the appointment. TNT suitability was analysed using chi-squared tests.

Results 134 men and 137 women, median age 30 and 23 respectively, were included. 202 patients (75%) were asymptomatic, of these 110 (54%) were suitable for TNT services). The association between gender and symptoms was statistically significant: 81% of men being asymptomatic compared to 69% of women (p = 0.024). 54 (49%) patients were examined, altering the management of 9. There were no statistically significant associations between age or gender and TNT suitability (p = 0.97 and p = 0.06 respectively).

Discussion/conclusion Approximately 40% of our patients undergoing STI screening could be directed towards TNT services, with careful risk-assessment at booking. Our results suggest it is safe to exclude physical examinations in TNT clinics as they rarely alter the management.

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