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Introduction Previous audits of our management of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) have shown poor compliance with guidelines, including missing pregnancy testing (PT) in 47% and no follow up in 66%.
Aims To improve management and follow up of PID.
Methods We introduced a weekly notes review of all PID cases attending our sexual health service. Clinicians received feedback about incorrect antibiotics, or failing to do pregnancy testing (PT). An unsolicited phone call was made to patients not attending 2 week review, to discuss symptoms, treatment completion, partner treatment and abstinence. This is a review 4 months September–December 2014.
Results 101 patients were treated for PID. 25% did not have a PT documented,. Overall 46% received recommended antibiotics (30% in the first 2 months, 64% in the last 2 months). 29% attended for review. Phone calls reached 28% of the remaining patients. 90% of patients contacted or attending had completed treatment. 53% still had symptoms
Discussion Weekly review allowed for regular feedback to clinicians about documentation and management. Pregnancy testing rates were improved on previous results, though still of concern. Antibiotic prescribing was initially poor, probably due to a recent change in protocol. This improved over the course of the 4 months, suggesting the value of weekly targeted feedback. Unfortunately, phone calls were often unsuccessful, though patients were happy to receive calls. A significant number of patients still had symptoms, undermining our previous assumption of cure where patients failed to attend follow up. To improve telephone follow up, pre-arranged times or methods of contact may be worth trialling.