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Background/introduction Scottish chlamydia testing guidelines target symptomatic and high-risk asymptomatic individuals. Recent publications, indicating a low risk of progression to serious chlamydia-related outcomes, particularly tubal factor infertility (TFI), question the validity of high levels of opportunistic testing especially among asymptomatic individuals.
Aim(s)/objectives To examine cost-effectiveness of current chlamydia testing to prevent TFI among those aged 15–24 in Scotland using cost per Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) gained and to consider alternative testing strategies.
Methods A compartmental deterministic model of chlamydia infection in those aged 15–24 in Scotland was developed to examine the impact of testing coverage and partner notification (PN) on number and cost of TFI cases prevented. Cost-effectiveness calculations were informed by best estimates of the QALYs lost due to TFI.
Results At 16.8% baseline testing coverage (laboratory data), 4.4% prevalence (NATSAL-3) and assumed PN rate of 0.4, the total testing cost is £5.4 million. This is estimated to prevent 258 TFI cases each year in young women. The cost per QALY gained is £40,034 compared with no testing, using a mid-range health state utility value (HSUV) for TFI (0.76 (±0.24)) and PID (0.9 (±0.22)). A 50% reduction in current testing would result in higher chlamydia prevalence and 84 more TFI cases.
Discussion/conclusion Current chlamydia testing activities in Scotland do not appear cost-effective. However, the model is sensitive to several parameters, particularly the HSUV and there are uncertainties in the current testing costs and progression to serious sequelae. There appears potential to improve chlamydia testing cost-effectiveness by increasing PN.