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P245 A pragmatic patient pathway ensuring appropriate safeguarding decisions for children with genital warts
  1. Margaret Kingston,
  2. Denise Smurthwaite,
  3. Sarah Dixon
  1. Central Manchester Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK


Background/introduction Children found to have genital warts may present to doctors of various disciplines. The experience and knowledge of these doctors in the diagnosis and management of genital warts, and the need to assess for possible sexual abuse and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is variable. The authors have all been contacted for advice regarding the management of these children. In order to streamline this process and ensure that all children are appropriately assessed we developed a clinical algorithm.

Aim(s)/objectives To establish a pragmatic clinical algorithm incorporating safeguarding decisions for the management of children with genital warts.

Methods A group of paediatric, GUM and forensic physicians reviewed the evidence and relevant UK guidelines, consulted with other experts in the field and drafted an algorithm for the management of children with genital warts.

Results An initial algorithm was piloted by the authors and colleagues and sent to authors of relevant UK guidelines for their opinion. The algorithm was then finalised and is now in use in our region. It is presented as a simple flowchart.

Discussion/conclusion Developing this algorithm was complicated by differing views of experts in the field and the unfamiliarity of some doctors other than GUM or forensic physicians in performing genital examinations in children and taking the required tests. We have found this algorithm to be a useful framework for clinical decision making, to support safeguarding decisions and to ensure that the required steps are taken when assessing children with genital warts.

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